A Romanian Property Company since 2004
Davora Tours
Organising your visit
As an established company in Romania with over 18 years of experience, we offer you a first-class service.
Whether you intend to purchase a property, explore business opportunities, or wish to soak up the
amazing culture of the country, travelling to a new country where you don’t know the language, or the
customs can be daunting.
For your stay in Romania, we can offer you an airport service, hotel bookings, a guide to show you the
area, & a wider range of services to include professional property consultation, lawyers, & accountants.
Our customer service program includes
• Pre-visit discussion to define your budget, requirements, location advice & project planning.
• Organising your visit including hotel bookings, airport collection service & entertainment/sightseeing
• Property package for your visit according to your needs.
• Guided tours to your selected locations & advice on the location.
• English speaking guide to help you navigate the whole process.
• English-speaking professionally qualified lawyer & accountant.
• Processing of legal papers with full transparency & explanation.
If you have an idea or require advice on running a business in Romania please do get in touch.
Call on +44(0)7309 710 908 or email dave@davoraproperty.info