Professional Construction Consulting
Private, Corporate, Commercial, Public, New Build & Refurbishment
A multi-disciplined Construction Consultancy with a diverse skill base offering a fully managed service to its varied client portfolio.
Industry experience, commitment, proven results.... you wouldn’t expect anything less to help see you through your project.
Davora has the experience your project deserves
Condition Surveys & Assessments.
Davora has a wealth of
experience & our team
are very conscientious.
We will discuss your
requirements & ensure
you get the right survey for
your needs.
Property Inspections
Clear, Concise Comprehensive!
We will work in a collaborative way
to ensure your expectations
are met as we understand that
delays cost money.
Given the multi-faceted nature
of construction, integration is the
name of the game.
Who you choose to have on your
team will be crucial to its success.
We have the proven expertise &
ability to provide seamless
integration solutions for your
construction project.
Plan to succeed.
With some thoughtful
planning you can ensure your
project’s success before it begins.
From establishing scope & viability,
to budget,schedule & team
requirements, to process
implementation & ongoing
evaluation, we can help tailor a
plan for your specific project needs.
Using the appropriate strategies
will help you save time & money.
From concept to completion, we’ll
help you develop a plan you can
build on!
To learn more about our construction project planning services, please call on +44(0)7309 710 908 or Click Here
We provide a fully managed service adapted to individual client needs
We understand that effective communication is a key to success
We are a motivated, enthusiastic & well managed company
We are flexible & reliable; there when you need us
A Romanian Property Company since 2004